Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sturgis Bike Rally

My first Sturgis Bike Rally was pretty fun...and hot. Enjoy!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Knoxville, TN

I had the pleasure of not only seeing Widespread Panic play but also walking around downtown Knoxville to take some pictures. Enjoy!

On our way back we stopped at a sunflower field. So glad we did.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lake Norris

I am always amazed and thankful that there are still places where I live that I have never been. I become a kid again and want to see, touch, and photograph everything. Lake Norris is beautifully hidden, at least it was to me, in Columbus, MS. I'm sure there will be more pics later. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Sunday Afternoon

Here's just a few photos from an afternoon of driving around and shooting. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Nickolas, Beth, and Carleigh

This was my first attempt at children's photography. I lucked out because thanks to her parents, Carleigh is ham and knows her way in front of a camera. Enjoy!

Friday, April 2, 2010


A few weeks ago I spent my day off in the woods at my parent's house in Amory, MS. I really believe there is no place like home. I was fortunate enough to spend most of my life growing up in the same house. I was always outside in the woods "exploring" and wouldn't come home until dark. Some of my best memories and my best photography are from my parent's backyard. I still have the very first photographs I ever took that I shot with their 35mm point and shoot camera. My finger and my shadow are in most of them but they are some of my favorite photographs. I'd like to think that I've improved since then but I know even if I had not my parents would still put my pictures on the refrigerator. Thanks Mom and Dad.

Sawyer...For those that don't know, I'm a huge LOST fan. Not pictured is his sister, Penny.